
2015-09-17 10:27:00


We have an awesome line-up of speakers for today's kick-off event - join your local meetup group to watch the livestream and start hacking together after or  watch the livestream online with the Docker Online Meetup group!

It's not too late to  submit your own Docker hack ideas! As a team of 1-3 hackers, you will hack on a project using Docker or infrastructure plumbing as a central piece.

You are also encouraged to collaborate with other Docker hackers -  check out the already submitted hack ideas and contact the project leader to join their hack team.

And remember, each member of the winning teams receives a pass to DockerCon EU 2015 complete with accommodations and a speaking slot at the conference!


Docker and Windows Server Containers: A First Look by  Tim Butler

How to scale Docker Containers with Docker-Compose by  Brian Christner

Ready-made Java-based Containers, Part One by  Catherine Oliver

Making Amazon ECS Container Service as easy to use as Docker run by  Mark van Holsteijn

How to Create Instant MapR Clusters with Docker by  Mitra Kaseebhotla


DevOps: Docker and Apache Tomcat by Craig Trim

Using Docker Machine on OS X with Dinghy - Mage Inferno by  Mark Shust

dinghy by  Brian Palmer

Kitematic meets Windows Docker by  Stefan Scherer

Introducing by Tutum by Maxime Heckel

Using Docker-in-Docker for your CI or testing environment? Think twice. by Jérôme Petazzoni

py.test plugin for functional testing with Docker by  Vladimir Iakovlev

Provisioning Docker containers with Ansible by  Xavier Bruhiere

Rails Development On Docker - Part 1 by  Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene

Docker deployment can work wonders for test and dev by Alan Earls

minimal-docker-python-setup by  Auke Willem Oosterhoff

Jenkins master and Docker slaves by Piotr Oktaba

Docker + Capistrano = Warp Speed by  Rocky Jaiswal

How to Implement Logging in Docker with a Sidecar Approach by  Garland Kan

Happy Ending: An Epic Saga of Guard and Docker by  Aaron Lasseigne

What Version is Your Infrastructure? by  Elijah Zupancic

Docker and Logging by Eduardo Silva

Mac OS + Ubuntu VirtualBox + Ubuntu Docker Image by Sergey Anisimov 

Docker containers for Visual Regression Testing setup by  Serban Balamaci

Introducing Docker - a versatile DevOps tool by  Katrina McIvor

Pulling Git into a Docker image without leaving SSH keys behind by Khash Sajadi

Run your stateful apps with Mesos and Docker by Jonas Rosland

Getting started with Docker on Azure by  Amruta Kulkarni

C-Ports: Docker Containers Across Multiple Clouds and Datacenters! by Merve Unuvar

Running Apache Tomcat with Docker by  Melvin Dave Vivas 


Dockerized Development Environments by Franklin Angulo

CI in the Docker World by Eli Oxman

Provision and manage Docker containers with Foreman by Daniel Lobato Garcia

Continuous Testing using Shippable and Docker by Mukta Aphale

Using Magnolia in a Microservices Architecture by  Nicolas Barbé



Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day #3

Sept 17th:  Docker Demo and FAQ

Sept 22: Docker Basics: Understanding Union Filesystems, Storage and Volumes

Sept 23rd:  Accelerate Software Delivery with Docker and IBM UrbanCode Deploy

Oct 1st:  Docker Demo and FAQ



Sept 22nd-23rd:  Docker Administration and Operations (Raleigh, NC)

Oct 6th-7th:  Docker Administration and Operations (Columbia, MD)

Oct 23rd-24th:  Docker Administration and Operations (Las Vegas, NV)

Nov 3rd-4th:  Docker Administration and Operations (New York City, NY)


North America

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Akamai (Cambridge, MA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Digital Ocean (New York City, NY)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Cvent (Washington, DC)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Centre (Montréal, Canada)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day (Philadelphia, PA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day (Greenville, SC)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day (Indianapolis, IN)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at SendGrid (Denver, CO)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at The Innevation Center (Las Vegas, NV)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at New Relic (San Francisco, CA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Box (Mountain View, CA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Ticketmaster (Los Angeles, CA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at New Relic (Seattle, WA)

Sept 16th:  Docker Talk at ClearScale Customer Showcase (San Francisco, CA)

Sept 17th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Tire Intelligence (Charlotte, NC)

Sept 22nd: Docker Meetup at The Iron Yard (Houston, TX)

Sept 23rd: Docker Meetup at Capital Ale House (Glen Allen, VA)

Sept 24th: Docker Workshop at The Strange Loop (St. Louis, MO) 


Latin America

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at HP Toluquilla (Guadalajara, México)

Sept 16th:  Docker Global Hack Day at Medallia (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

陆 加 伍 =
联系人: 王春生