- 2015-09-30
- 王春生
- 翻译:
- Docker网站
- 20466
And the winners of Docker Global Hack Day #3 are...
Over 2,000 community members attended the 50+ local editions of Docker Hack Day #3. Kudos to the Docker community and Docker meetup organizers for helping organize this hands-on event!
The teams that won first-place for their Docker hacks in the Global Edition of Docker Global Hack Day #3 are:
- Plugins: ScaleSwarm by Ankush Agarwal and Harshit Mittal
- Plumbing: Container Migration Tool by Marcos Lilljedahl, Jonathan Leibiusky and Gabriel Eisbruch
- Freestyle: On-demand YARN Clusters by Swapnil Daingade, Sarjeet Singh and Mitra Kaseebhotla
Read this blog post to see the other Docker Global Hack Day #3 winning hacks or head to this page to check out all of the awesome Docker hacks that were submitted!
Docker EU 2015大会最新动态:
DockerCon EU 2015: More Speakers Announced and Hands-On Labs
We know how busy everyone gets at
DockerCon – there’s so much to do between conference talks, meeting members of the community and chatting with sponsors! We took all of the feedback from our pilot Docker Tutorials at DockerCon 2015 and created a new set of trainings for a better attendee experience.
New at DockerCon EU 2015 are Hands-On Labs geared to help attendees learn the ins and out of Docker!
Our DockerCon Committee (composed of community members and Docker, Inc. employees) is finishing up reviewing the 393 talks submitted for DockerCon EU 2015 and we will announce a full agenda soon. In the meantime, more fantastic presenters have been confirmed to speak at the conference including Kevin O'Riordan (Senior Software Engineer at Gilt), Arnaud Portrerie (Senior Engineering Manager at Docker, Inc.), John Starks (Senior Development Lead at Microsoft) and Jérôme Petazzoni (Tinkerer Extraordinaire at Docker, Inc.). Click here to read more about these speakers and other DockerCon EU 2015 updates.
If you're planning on attending DockerCon EU 2015, we strongly encourage you to register now! Conference passes are going fast and you don't want to miss this year's DockerCon in Europe!
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Let us know by completing this survey and enter to win a 16GB iPad Air or Amazon gift card of equal value. Thanks in advance for helping!
Docker Machine, Compose & Swarm: How They Work Together by Jonas Rosland
How We Deploy Containers at Grammarly by Yuriy Bogdanov
11 Weird And Wonderful Uses For Docker by ScriptRock
Scaling Microservices with Docker Compose, Interlock, and HAProxy/NGINX by Nicola Kabar
Experimenting with Native Docker tooling by Brian Goff
Persistent Docker Volumes on Azure by Ahmet Alp Balkan
Microsoft bolsters Azure in containers, security by Katherine Noyes
Illumio Bringing Adaptive Security to Docker and Mesosphere
How Docker Helped Yelp Leave the Monolith Behind by Jennifer Riggins
5 reasons I like Docker by Szymon Skórczyński
Building Minimal Docker Image for Rails App by Jari Kolehmainen
Docker Bootcamp by Patrick Claffey
Docker Compose, AngularJS and Tutum — Part 2 by Denis Ciccale
Developing With Docker At 500px, Part One by Paul Liu
Petabyte-Scale Data Pipelines with Docker, Luigi and Elastic Spot Instances by Ville Tuulos
Five Cool Benefits of Docker by Catherine Perry
Interview: Docker and Containers with John Griffith
Docker in the 3D animation world. Game on! by Kasia Hoffman
How-to dump your Docker-ized database on Amazon S3? by Jonathan Petitcolas
Can’t We Just Run Boot2Docker in Production? by Scott McCarty
Make Docker Machine Do Anything With Our Experimental Extensions by Kendrick Coleman
Tooling as a service via executable images by Alberto Garcia Lamela
A VoltDB intern's work: Accelerating continuous integration with Docker by Rui Shen
Building an Oracle NoSQL cluster using Docker by Marcelo Ochoa
Docker: Game changer in the world of Cloud and Virtualization by Safi Junaid
Take a closer look at automatic agentless Docker Swarm health monitoring by Michael Mishalov
Windows, Docker, and Buildpack Apps in One Platform by James Bayer
RC1: Jessie with brand new Linux Kernel and Docker by Govinda Fichtner and Stefan Scherer
Go Testing + Docker by Eric Chiang
Location-Based Cloud Foundry Applications using Nginx and Docker by James Thomas
Advanced Deployment of Ghost in 2 minutes with Docker by Adrian Perez
Consul + Consul-Template with Docker-Compose by Neil Ni
Docker First Steps by Julian Camargo
MySQL in Docker with Java Hibernate by E. John Feig
Bamboo, Docker, and building web apps by Himanshu Chhetri
Using Docker to run Node.js on a Raspberry Pi by Jason Baker
Logging with Docker — Part 1 by Yoanis Gil Delgado
Dockerfile Generator by Joe Ruether
How Cloud Monkey Deploys Itself by Cloud Monkey
Managing Lightweight Containers with Docker, Puppet, and Vagrant by Michael Hüttermann
Running NGINX in Docker without caching by E. John Feig
Checkpoint and restore Docker container with CRIU by Hirokuni Kim
CI with Docker and TeamCity by Tyler Power
Don't expose the Docker socket (not even to a container) by lvh
Docker containers and AWS Auto-scaling by Ranvijay Jamwal
Aggregating application logs from Docker containers with Loggly by Usman Ismail
Static HTTP preview server using Docker by Tamás Sallai
Writing and running Go api's in Docker by Ewan Valentine
Docker Swarm Clusters on Azure with Ahmet Alp Balkan
How Shopify handles 300M uniques a month running Rails, Docker, and MySQL with Simon Eskildsen
My "come to Docker" moment by Peter Goodman
John Howard and the Docker Daemon with Matt McSpirit
Docker and Nexus 3: Video Walk-Throughs by Manfred Moser
Container integration: A year of progress with Patrick Chanezon
CIO Tips for Driving Innovation with Scott Johnston
Docker Global Hack Day #3, Bangalore Edition by Neependra Khare
Sept 30th: Harbortouch enables 'crazy fast' deploys with an automated CI pipeline with Docker Hub and Travis CI
Oct 1st: Docker Demo and FAQ
Oct 13th: Docker Storage Considerations
Oct 14th: Zenoss delivers software defined operations at scale with Docker
Oct 15th: CI/CD with Docker is the Gateway Use Case for Pluggable Architecture
Oct 20th: Couchbase accelerates and automates CI with Docker Hub and Jenkins
Oct 27th: Persistent Storage, Data and Docker
Oct 29th: Docker Demo and FAQ
Oct 2nd: Docker Talk at Goa Web Folks (Goa, India)
Oct 8th: Docker Meetup at Lazada (Saigon, Vietnam)
Oct 10th: Docker Meetup at STU Coffee (Ha Noi, Vietnam)
Oct 15th: Docker Meetup at ZheJiang University (Hangzhou, China)
Oct 24th: Docker Meetup at TBA (Bangalore, India)
Oct 31st: Docker Meetup at Allies Interactive (Kanpur, India)
Oct 1st: Docker Talk at Sydney Cloud Computing (Sydney, Australia)
Oct 21st: Docker Meetup at Optiver (Sydney, Australia)
Oct 28th: Docker Meetup at The Grid AKL (Auckland, New Zealand)
Oct 28th: Docker Talk at Atlassian (Sydney, Australia)
Nov 3rd: Docker Workshop with SEED Digital (Melbourne, Australia)
联系人: | 王春生 |
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