Docker周刊第106期:Docker项目大牛 Antonio Murdaca是如何开始参与到docker项目的

2015-10-14 16:15:00

Docker维护者 Antonio Murdaca是如何参与到Docker项目的。

Antonio Murdaca

I’ve always struggled with finding the free time to give back some of what I take from open source on a daily basis. This is by far the most obvious reason people find it difficult to start their open source “career” and turn contributing into a regular hobby. Unless you’re being paid for it, the time you spend contributing to open source is time you could have spent having a beer with friends.

But as a user of open source technologies, these projects can be a god send. They help you with things you wouldn’t or couldn’t normally do in your office or free time, and give anyone, anywhere the opportunity to learn something. Don’t you find this really amazing? That’s why I’ve always thanked everyone who’s released their project on GitHub, even before I eventually got over the challenges and became a contributor myself.

Read more about how Antonio's  work on contributing to open source (and the Docker project  in particular) developed into part of his full-time job

DockerCon 2016大会将在西雅图举行

We are thrilled to  officially announce DockerCon US 2016 will take place in Seattle at the the beautiful  Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) on June 20th and June 21st, 2016.

Read more about DockerCon 2016 and don't forget to sign up for the DockerCon mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest DockerCon news.


Even More Speakers for DockerCon EU 2015 Announced!

DockerCon EU 2015Since the last Docker Weekly, we've announced 14 new sessions at DockerCon EU 2015! Today's round of speaker announcements include talks from Codeship, IBM, Electronic Arts, EURECOM and BBVA in the Wild Card and Use Case tracks. 

Check out the complete list of confirmed speakers here.

Don't forget to  get your conference pass now  because DockerCon EU 2015 will sell out early just like the previous editions!

Featured articles

From Local Docker Development to Production Deployments by Jérôme Petazzoni

User namespaces have arrived in Docker! by Phil Estes

How to Setup DockerUI - a Web Interface for Docker by  Arun Pyasi

Collecting docker logs and stats with Splunk by  Denis Gladkikh

Yet another intro to docker by  Simon Timms

A touch of magic: Controlling Kitematic & Docker with a touch display on the Raspberry Pi by  Stefan Scherer

Docker on Synology by  Brandon Jozsa

  More articles and blog posts

5 Steps to Boost Your Productivity with Vagrant and Docker by Maik Srba

A Docker environment for Windows (October 2015 edition) by Ian Hopkinson

Exploring Docker's New Content Trust Feature by Rory McCune

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Docker and Modulus by  Hüseyin Babal

Storage and Modularizing the Docker Volume Driver Eco-System by Clint Kitson

Use Docker Machine and Compose with AWS EC2 to Automate Persistent Apps by Kendrick Coleman

Aggregate Docker Monitoring with Prometheus, cAdvisor and StackEngine by Boyd Hemphill

How to Monitor Docker-Based Applications Using New Relic by  Jarkko Laine

Getting Started with Docker and Sugar 7 by Cédric Mourizard

Rebuilding Our Infrastructure with Docker, ECS, and Terraform by Calvin French-Owen

Better listing of docker images and containers by Tim Carry

Get your all-in-one Docker playground now: HypriotOS reloaded! by the Hypriot team

Dockerfile Tutorial for Beginners by  Virendra Singh Bhalothia

Puppet in Docker by  Thijs Schnitger  

Revealing Hidden Insights with Docker & timeslice() by  Eoin Shanley

Run NodeJS anywhere using Docker and Nexe by  Tit Petrič

Manage Docker Images from Eclipse by Francesco Marchioni

Dockerizing your Scala apps with sbt-docker by Evan Chan

Docker on Digital Ocean by Peter Timofejew

Run Docker on Hyper-V with Docker machine by Samuel Debruyn

Adding an existing Docker host to Docker Machine by Anthony Dahanne

Access to Bluemix Applications via Command Line by  Niklas Heidloff

Running Java Spark in Docker - Part 2 by  Ben Parrish


Videos, slides and podcasts

Containers are Eating the Enterprise with  Diogo MónicaRyan Van NiekerkSam GhodsYunong Xiao and  Ashwin Raveendran

The Future of Containers in Production with  Casey BissonJessica FrazellePerry KrugShannon WilliamsTianon GraviMark Davis and  Timothy Chen

Running Docker containers on AWS with ECS by Danilo Poccia

Containers #101: Docker ONBUILD triggers & Introduction to Docker Compose with  Raziel Tabib

Docker Migration In-Flight CRIU by  Ian Miell

StubHub: Microservices, Containers, and Music with  Paul Scott and  Kevin Guo

Data and Network Management for Containers at LinuxCon 2015 by  Neependra Khare

Upcoming Events


Oct 14th:  Zenoss delivers software defined operations at scale with Docker

Oct 15th:  CI/CD with Docker is the Gateway Use Case for Pluggable Architecture

Oct 20th:  Couchbase accelerates and automates CI with Docker Hub and Jenkins

Oct 20th: From development to product at scale with Docker and microservices

Oct 21st: DevOps Panel

Oct 27th:  Persistent Storage, Data and Docker

Oct 29th:  Docker Demo and FAQ


Official Docker Training

Oct 23rd-24th:  Docker Administration and Operations (Las Vegas, NV)

Nov 3rd-4th:  Docker Administration and Operations (New York City, NY)

Jan 26th:  Docker Admin & Operations (Atlanta, GA)


North America

Oct 14th: Docker Talk at API Craft RVA (Richmond, VA)

Oct 14th: Docker Talk at VFX Technology (San Francisco, CA)

Oct 14th: Docker Talk at Big Data Application Meetup (Palo Alto, CA)

Oct 14th: Docker Meetup at Medallia (Palo Alto, CA)

Oct 14th: Docker Talk at DevOps RVA (Richmond, VA)

Oct 14th: Docker Meetup at Wildbit (Philadelphia, PA)

Oct 15th: Docker Talk at SaltStack Chicago (Chicago, IL)

Oct 19th-20th: Docker Talks at All Things Open (Raleigh, NC)

Oct 19th: Docker Talk at Boston OpenShift (Boston, MA)

Oct 19th: Docker Talk at CodeGuard (Atlanta, GA)

Oct 21st: Docker Meetup at The Innevation Center (Las Vegas, NV)

Oct 21st: Docker Talk at Durham Linux Users Group (Durham, NC)

Oct 21st: Docker Meetup at Netapp (Morrisville, NC)

Oct 22nd: Docker Talk at Bay Area Infracoders (Santa Clara, CA)

Oct 25th-29th: Docker Talks at JavaOne (San Francisco, CA)

Oct 26th: Docker Meetup at Society (Denver, CO)

Oct 27th: Docker Talk at Western Mass Docker Meetup (Hadley, MA)

Oct 27th: Docker Meetup in Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN)

Oct 28th: Docker Talk at Packet HQ (New York City, NY)

Oct 29th-30th: Docker Talks at ContainerDays NYC 2015 (New York City, NY)

Nov 6th-7th: Docker Talks at DevOps Days Silicon Valley (Mountain View, CA)

Nov 8th-13th: Docker Talks at LISA (Washington, DC)

Latin America

Oct 15th: Docker Meetup at Capitão Bar (Salvador, Brazil)

Oct 15th: Docker Meetup at The Tech Pub (Córdoba, Argentina)

Oct 29th: Docker Talk at São Paulo Pentaho Users Group (São Paulo, Brazil)

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联系人: 王春生