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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/2/20 17:39 # @Author : Aries # @Site : # @File : handle_douyin_movie.py.py # @Software: PyCharm import json import os import requests import re import time from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options #分享ID share_id = "89923219116" share_url = "https://www.douyin.com/share/user/"+share_id header = { "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36" } #dytk 和tac的正则表达式 dytk_search = re.compile(r"dytk: '(.*?)'") tac_search = re.compile(r"<script>tac=(.*?)</script>") response = requests.get(url=share_url,headers=header) #处理获取dytk 和tac dytk = re.search(dytk_search,response.text).group(1) tac = re.search(tac_search,response.text).group(1) #tac封装成为js的格式 tac = "var tac="+tac+";" # html页面的编写合成 header + tac+ foot with open("html_head.txt") as f1: f1_read = f1.read() with open("html_foot.txt") as f2: f2_read = f2.read().replace("&&&&","89923219116") with open("test.html","w") as f_w: f_w.write(f1_read+"\n"+tac+"\n"+f2_read) # signature = input("秘钥为") chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") abspath = os.path.abspath(r"D:\Program Files\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe") douyin_driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=abspath,chrome_options=chrome_options,) douyin_driver.get("file:///E:\\dockerpython\\python\\douyin\\test.html") signature = douyin_driver.title douyin_driver.quit() movie_url = "https://www.douyin.com/aweme/v1/aweme/post/?user_id="+share_id+"&count=21&max_cursor=0&aid=1128&_signature="+signature+"&dytk="+dytk #接口不太稳定所以要使用while循环一直调用 while True: movie_reponse = requests.get(url=movie_url,headers=header) if json.loads(movie_reponse.text)["aweme_list"] == []: #time.sleep(1) continue else: print(movie_reponse.text) for item in json.loads(movie_reponse.text)["aweme_list"]: video_url = item["video"]["play_addr"]["url_list"][0] video_response = requests.get(url=video_url,headers=header) with open("douyin.mp4","wb") as v: #不能使用video_response.text必须使用content才可以把内容写进去 v.write(video_response.content) break
PS基本上抖音视频下载的都已经完成了下次对于需要注意的做下总结。 |
2019-06-21 20:13:47